
Massage Services

Most people seek massage as a last resort for pain and stress. They try taking pills and other medical treatments that haven’t worked. With over 20 years of experience as a massage therapist and decades as a registered nurse, Margie's can recommend treatments and therapies to improve your overall well-being, along with massage.

Back Massage — Ahhh A Massage — McMurray, PA

Your Massage Session

After reviewing your confidential intake form, Margie will design the massage to address your individual needs and likes.

On cooler days, sink into the warm table as you are draped in flannel for that cozy feeling. A memory foam face candle will be added for your comfort. The pressure of the strokes will be adjusted throughout your massage for your comfort.


Schedule a massage with us today and you’ll be saying “Ahhh” before you know it. Margie's selection includes:

Table  Massage

Chair  Massage

Relaxation  Massage

Medical  Massage

Therapeutic Massage

Chronic Stress

Chronic stress can be physical, emotional, or mental, due to work, caregiving, grief, or just life in general. Relax at Ahhh a Massage and break the cringe factor.

Sudden Spasm

Muscles spasms can be caused by gardening, shoveling snow, playing sports, or any other everyday events. Release the muscle and get relief.

Arthritis Pain

Therapeutic massage can lessen arthritis pain,  as well as decreasing muscle tightness and joint pain, which increases flexibility in joints.


Therapeutic massage treats Fibromyalgia pain by desensitizing tender points, lessening pain while relaxing tight stressed muscles.

Repetitive Movement Injuries

Margie's massage technique releases the trigger points from repeated hand movement from texting, data entry, and poor posture of the head, neck, and shoulders.

Headaches, Carpal Tunnel, TMJ

Investigate the muscles that could be the cause of the pain. Release and stretch muscles.

Cancer Treatment

Investigate the muscles that could be the cause of the pain. Release and stretch muscles.

Mastectomy and Other Breast Surgeries

A gentle massage to relieve the discomfort of sensitive points encountered in the rib, breast bone areas, upper back, and neck. Massage desensitizes these areas to reduce the discomfort before and following surgery. The massage helps the immune system by manually moving the lymph fluid and helps to prevent lymph edema from developing.


Margie has received lay ministry training Journey of Hope to support people fighting cancer. Under the direction of Rev. Perry W. McCray, Jr., Director of Pastoral Care, Cancer Treatment Centers of America.


FOR : Any Surgeries Massage offers a compassionate touch which relaxes the rest of the body that is experiencing muscles cramps, spasms and pain during this stressful time

For ANYONE: Compassionate massage – a listening ear, receive affirmation of your pain and a healing touch.

Neck and Back Surgery

Surgery can disrupt the muscles of your neck and back. Margie can restore flexibility to those muscles with careful, practiced massage techniques.

Hand Massage

"May I Have Your Hand?"

By asking this simple question, anyone can experience the touch of massage in this non-threatening manner. No clothing needs to be removed. Conversation and eye contact are maintained as a trusting relationship is built.

Massage the person's one hand, ask the person to make a fist, then open it; then, repeat the motion with the other ahnd.

"How does it feel?" Have them compare the two hands.

It takes only a minute to demonstrate the relaxing benefits of massage.

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